关于贝尔实验室Dong Po博士、北京大学王剑威副教授及都柏林城市大学Liam Barry 教授报告会的通知


关于贝尔实验室Dong Po博士、北京大学王剑威副教授及都柏林城市大学Liam Barry 教授报告会的通知

报告题目:Silicon Photonic Integrated Circuits

报告人:Dong Po博士




System-on-chip with photonic integrated circuits (PICs) and electricalintegrated circuits (ICs) can revolutionize communication, imaging, displays,sensors, and computing systems. Silicon PICs are a disruptive technology thatoffers a robust platform for integrating many optoelectronic and nonlinearphotonic elements on millimeter-sized silicon chips that are fueled byinnovative devices with compact sizes, high speeds, broad bandwidths, and lowpower consumption. The devices’ function and performance can be extended orenhanced by heterogeneous integration with other materials such as III-Vsemiconductors, polymers, and lithium niobate. In this talk, I will review thetechnical merits of silicon photonic devices and integrated circuits, whichhave benefited from high-index-contrast silicon waveguides; a high level ofintegration with various optical functions on the same chips; and maturecomplementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication techniques. Thesetechnical merits ensure silicon photonics’ position as a disruptive opticaltechnology that will achieve low-cost and compact on-chip systems for datacommunications and other applications. In particular, I will discuss siliconphotonic circuits for use in applications such as chip-scale optical interconnects,short-reach communications in datacenters and supercomputers, andmetro/long-haul optical transmissions.


Dr. Po Dong currently works as the department head of the silicon photonicsgroup at Nokia Bell Labs. He received his PhD degree in electrical engineeringfrom McGill University in Montreal, Canada. Before Bell Labs, he worked as aprincipal engineer at Kotura, Inc. He has been working in the field of siliconphotonics for more than ten years and has contributed to critical breakthroughsrelated to energy-efficient silicon photonic devices for chip-scaleinterconnects and high-capacity photonic circuits for telecom/datacomapplications. He has authored or coauthored about 180 journal articles andconference publications as well as three book chapters. He has worked as anassociate editor of Optics Express for six years and has served as a committeemember or chair for conferences such as the CLEO; the IntegratedPhotonics Research, Silicon, and Nano-Photonics Conference; and the OFC.He is a Fellow of both IEEE and OSA.

报告题目:Quantum photonics in silicon

报告人:王剑威 副教授




On-chip producing, controlling and detecting quantum states of light withlarge-scale silicon-photonic circuits opens the way to realizing complexquantum technologies for applications in the fields of computing,simulation and communication [1]. In this talk we present recent progresson large-scale silicon-photonic quantum technologies and applications, and discussroutes towards scalable quantum computing. We demonstrate a silicon-photonicchip integrating more than 550 components, able to generate,manipulate and measure high-dimensional entanglement with highcontrollability and universality [2]. Universal two-qubit operations have beenenabled recently by controlling a complex network of linear-optic devices[3]. A chip-to-chip quantum interconnect technology, allowing theentanglement distribution and teleportation between separated chips, has beendemonstrated going beyond a single-chip quantum system [4]. With the developedquantum photonic hardware it allows us to benchmark the simulationand characterizations of electron spin systems [5] and molecularsystems with photons [6]. These results show silicon-integrated quantumphotonic circuits as a versatile testbed for new quantum algorithms and as aroute towards large-scale quantum information processing, pointing the way toapplications in fundamental science and quantum technologies.


1. J. L. O'Brien, et. al. Photonic quantum technologies, NaturePhotonics 3, 687 (2009)

2. J. Wang, et. al, Multidimensional quantum entanglement with large-scaleintegrated optics, Science 360, 285 (2018)

3. X. Qiang, et. al., Large-scale silicon quantum photonics implementingarbitrary two-qubit processing, Nature Photonics 12, 534 (2018)

4. J. Wang, et. al. Chip-to-chip quantum photonic interconnect by pathpolarization interconversion. Optica 3, 407 (2016)

5. J. Wang, et. al., Experimental quantum Hamiltonian learning, NaturePhysics 13, 551 (2017).

6. R. Santagati, et. al. Witnessing eigenstates for quantum simulationof Hamiltonian spectra, Science Advances 4, eaap9646 (2018)


Dr. Jianwei Wang received the Bachelor degree (2008) and Master degree(2011) in the Optics Engineering from Zhejiang University, and obtained his PhDdegree in Physics at the University of Bristol (2016). He is a young scholar ofthe 14th batch of National Thousand Talent Program . He has published about 20papers in refereed journals  includingScience, Nat. Photon., Nat. Phys., Phys. Rev. Lett., Optica, etc.  His current research interests are mainlyfocusing on quantum information science and technology with photons. He isdeveloping large-scale quantum photonic integrated circuits and systems, and applyingthis manufacturable quantum technology for the understanding of quantumfundamentals and for quantum information applications in the fields ofcommunication, sensing, learning, simulation and computing.

报告题目:Advanced optical sources for spectrallyefficient photonic systems

报告人: Liam P. Barry教授




The continuing growth in demand for bandwidth (from residential andbusiness users), necessitates significant research into new advancedtechnologies in future communication systems. Two specific technologies whichare becoming increasingly important for future photonic systems are wavelengthtunable lasers and optical frequency combs.

Although these topics have beenstudied for over two decades, their significance for future ultra-high capacityphotonic systems has only recently been fully understood. Wavelength tunablelasers are currently becoming the norm in optical communication systems becauseof their flexibility and ability to work on any wavelength. However, as theiroperating principles are different to standard single mode lasers, they can affecthow future systems will operate, e.g., as optical transmission systems movetowards more coherent transmission (where the data is carried using both theintensity and phase of the optical carrier), the phase noise in these tunablelasers will become increasingly important.

Optical frequency combs also have many applications for future photonicssystems, and they can be used to obtain the highest spectral efficiency inoptical transmission systems by employing the technology of optical frequencydivision multiplexing (OFDM), and also for generation of high frequency RFsignals in future 5G netwroks. Wavelength tunable lasers and optical frequencycombs are thus topics at the leading edge of current photonics systemsresearch, and their detailed understanding promises new applications inall-optical signal processing, optical sensing and metrology, and specificallytelecommunications.

This talk will focus on thedevelopment and characterization of various wavelength tunable lasers andoptical frequency combs, and then outline how these sources can be employed fordeveloping optical transmission systems and networks which make the best use ofavailable optical spectrum.


Liam P. Barry received his BE (Electronic Engineering) and MEngSc (OpticalCommunications) degrees from University College Dublin in 1991 and 1993respectively, and he received his PhD.degree from the University of Rennes,France, in 1996. He is currently a Professor in the School of ElectronicEngineering, a Principal Investigator for Science Foundation Ireland, andDirector of the Radio and Optical Communications Laboratory. His main researchinterests are; all-optical signal processing, optical pulse generation andcharacterization, hybrid radio/fibre communication systems, wavelength tuneablelasers for reconfigurable optical networks, and optical performance monitoring.He has published over 200 articles in international peer reviewed journals, 250papers in international peer reviewed conferences, and holds 10 patents in thearea of optoelectronics. He has been a TPC member for the European Conferenceon Optical Communications (ECOC) since 2004, and a TPC member for the OpticalFibre Communication Conference (OFC) from 2007 to 2010, serving as Chair of theOptoelectronic Devices sub-committee for OFC 2010.